Is it Okay to Use Laptop While Charging?

By Musharaf Pathan

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Use Laptop While Charging

Using laptops has become an essential part of our daily lives. We rely on laptops for work, education, entertainment, and more.

Often, we need to use laptops for extended periods. But laptop batteries drain faster than we would like. So a common question arises – is it okay to use a laptop while charging?

This is an important question for any laptop user. There are some debates around whether or not it is safe for the laptop and battery.

In this blog post, we will look into the details to understand can we use laptop while charging and can I use laptop while charging.

Is it Safe to Use Laptop While Charging?

Using a laptop while charging raises the main concern of overheating. Charging generates heat, and so does normal laptop use. Using both simultaneously may create too much heat, affecting the laptop’s performance and battery life.

However, for most regular laptops, it is generally safe to use laptop while charging. Manufacturers design laptops to withstand reasonable levels of heat. As long as the laptop has adequate ventilation and cooling, and it does not engage in intensive processor or graphics activities, it should not experience any issues with heat.

Here are some tips for safe usage:

  • Don’t block airflow – Avoid using a laptop on soft surfaces like pillows or blankets that can block ventilation.
  • Take breaks from intense activities like gaming or video editing to let your device cool down.
  • Keep the room temperature moderate – Use a laptop in a well air-conditioned room, avoid very hot conditions.
  • Update BIOS & drivers – Ensure that you update your laptop’s BIOS and hardware drivers, as updates frequently enhance thermal management.
  • Clean vents regularly – Use pressurized air to clear any dust buildup in the air vents to improve airflow.
  • Use a cooling pad – Use an affordable external USB-powered cooling pad for additional airflow. (highly recommended)
  • Lower resource consumption – Limit bandwidth, memory, and CPU hogging apps when charging.

With basic precautions, there should be no risks involved in charging while using a laptop. Millions of people do it every day without issues.

Can Charging While Using Damage the Laptop Battery?

Another common concern is whether charging while using a laptop can cause any damage to the laptop battery. Specifically, will it lead to overcharging or overheating of the battery?

Designers of modern lithium-ion batteries for laptops today have designed them to prevent issues like overcharging. They contain battery management systems that control the charging to keep it within safe levels. So the risk of battery overcharge is extremely low.

However, just like the laptop itself, the battery also needs to dissipate heat effectively. If the battery heats up too much, it can cause faster degradation over time.

The tips we mentioned before, like getting air circulation, taking breaks, and using cooling pads, will also protect the laptop’s battery.

Research has shown that charging Li-ion batteries slowly at moderate temperatures can extend their lifespan. So try to avoid intensive usage with charging when possible, and take breaks to allow heat to dissipate. But in general, occasional normal use with charging poses low risk to laptop batteries.

Tips for Laptop Battery Care While Charging

To maximize your laptop battery lifespan, follow these tips whenever using your laptop while plugged in:

  • Disconnect charger at 100% – As soon as the battery hits 100%, unplug the charger to avoid trickle overcharging.
  • Avoid high temperatures – Do not use the laptop while charging in very hot ambient conditions.
  • Take breaks – Take 15-20 minute breaks from intensive usage every 45-60 minutes.
  • Set charge thresholds – Use battery software to set an 80% charge threshold to reduce strain.
  • Replace an old battery – If your battery capacity is less than 50%, it’s time to replace it with a new one.
  • Remove battery if stationary – If using laptop stationary for long periods, remove the battery.
  • Maintain battery between 20-80% – Try to keep the charge level in the 20-80% range for optimal longevity.
  • Avoid full discharge cycles – Do not allow the battery to fully discharge to 0% before recharging.
  • Keep drivers updated – Update battery drivers and management software regularly.

Following safe charging practices and avoiding heat buildup will prevent excessive damage and extend battery lifespan. With proper care, your laptop battery can deliver years of effective usage even with frequent charging.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it bad for my laptop to be plugged in all the time?

Being plugged in all the time does no direct harm to a laptop. However, keeping the battery at 100% charge level and elevated temperatures can accelerate battery degradation. It’s best to disconnect once fully charged and take periodic breaks from intensive usage.

Should I remove the battery while using plugged in?

If you constantly connect the laptop to a desk, we recommend that you remove the battery. This will help to extend its lifespan. However, this is not strictly necessary. Limiting charge level and letting the battery discharge from time to time can provide similar benefits.

Can overheating while charging damage my laptop?

Excessive overheating can potentially damage laptop components and the battery. But during regular use, laptops should stay within normal temperature ranges. Make sure to provide adequate ventilation and airflow, and avoid intensive tasks for very extended periods.

Is gaming or video editing safe while charging?

Gaming and video editing use a lot of processing power which generates more heat. It is okay to do these activities temporarily on charge. But take frequent 15-20 minute breaks to allow the laptop to cool down for best results. Avoid marathon gaming or editing sessions while charging continuously.

Should I only charge when the battery is low?

Modern batteries do not need to fully discharge before charging again. In fact, deep discharge cycles can wear them out faster. Keeping the battery charge level between 20-80% is ideal for longevity. Allowing occasional full discharges and recharges helps maintain battery efficiency.


Using a laptop while charging is generally safe, as long as you take proper precautions. Manufacturers design laptops and batteries to handle the heat from simultaneous usage and charging.

Avoid fully charging for extended periods, provide ventilation, take breaks during intensive tasks, keep environmental temperatures moderate, and follow other battery care tips. Use your laptop and battery responsibly for a longer lifespan and better performance, even with frequent charging.

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Musharaf Pathan

My name is Musharaf Pathan, I am a Tech Enthusiast with a passion for electronics gadgets. I love exploring and reviewing the latest in tech, sharing insights to simplify your gadget choices

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