How to Find the Best Laptop Cooling Pad and Laptop Cooler

By Musharaf Pathan

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RGB Laptop Cooling Pad and Laptop Cooler

Laptops are amazing devices that allow us to work, play games, and be productive on the go. However, all that computing power in a compact package leads to heat buildup and thermal throttling, which can slow down your laptop’s performance. This is where having the best cooling pad becomes essential.

A good laptop cooling pad helps lower laptop temperatures by providing additional airflow and cooling fans. This allows your laptop to sustain higher performance and prevents unexpected shutdowns or crashes due to overheating. With the right laptop cooler, you can game or work for longer hours without thermal issues.

In this detailed guide, we will cover everything you need to know about choosing the right cooling pad for your needs.

Benefits of Using a Laptop Cooling Pad or Laptop Cooler

Before we look at the factors to consider when buying a laptop cooling pad, let’s first understand why you need one:

  • Prevent thermal throttling: The constant heat produced by laptop components like the CPU and GPU can lead to thermal throttling where clock speeds are reduced to control temperatures. A cooling pad improves airflow and prevents thermal throttling.
  • Avoid unexpected shutdowns: Excessive heat may force your laptop to shut down unexpectedly to prevent damage. A cooling pad dissipates heat and provides a safety net against unpredictable shutdowns.
  • Improve performance: With better cooling, your laptop can sustain higher CPU/GPU clock speeds for longer, giving you improved performance in games and apps.
  • Extend laptop life: Running laptops at high temperatures for prolonged periods can degrade components faster. A cooling pad reduces wear and tear and extends your laptop’s life.
  • Use the laptop on uneven surfaces: The external fans allow proper airflow even if the laptop is used on a bed or couch where the bottom vents may be blocked.

Now that you know why you need one, let’s look at how to pick the best laptop cooling pad or cooler for your specific needs.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Laptop Cooling Pad

1. Compatibility With Your Laptop Size

Laptop cooling pads come in different sizes to fit laptops from 12 inches to all the way up to 19 inches. Before picking a laptop cooler, measure your laptop screen to get the size.

Cooling pads have rubber stops to prevent the laptop from sliding down. Make sure to get a pad that can comfortably fit your laptop size. Using a smaller cooling pad will make the laptop unstable while a bigger one may look and feel awkward.

2. Number and Size of Fans

The number and size of fans determine the airflow and cooling capability of the pad. Models designed for gaming laptops will have more large fans (up to 200mm) while ultraportable pads may have a single 70mm fan.

Having dual fans gives you push-pull cooling from both sides of the laptop. If you have a powerful gaming laptop, go for cooling pads with multiple large fans for the best heat dissipation.

3. Adjustable Height and Tilt

Consider whether you need adjustable height and tilt settings. Height adjustments allow you to raise the laptop screen closer to eye level and set the most ergonomic typing angle.

Some pads offer 4-5 height adjustment settings, while you can leave others flat. Go for adjustable height if you plan to use the cooling pad for long hours.

4. Built-in USB Ports

Many high-end cooling pads come with 1 or 2 USB ports built into them. This allows you to connect peripherals easily without having to reach around to the laptop’s USB ports.

The cooling pad’s USB cable powers the ports directly. Look for built-in USB if cable management is important for your setup.

5. Design and Aesthetics

There are simple cooling pads with a basic design as well as models made specifically for gaming laptops. These have aggressive styling and RGB lighting effects for an immersive gaming experience.

Consider the aesthetics if you want the pad to blend in or stand out in your workspace. Also look for additional features like LED fans if a gaming look is important for you.

6. Noise Levels

The fans inside cooling pads can generate noise which may be distracting in a quiet work or study environment. Larger and multiple fans will be noisier at higher fan speeds.

If fan noise is a concern, look for pads with larger 140mm or 200mm fans that can run quieter and move more air. Also, check noise ratings in customer reviews of the cooling pad.

7. Extra Features

Some high-end cooling pads come equipped with extra features:

  • Fan speed control: Allows adjusting the fan speed to balance cooling performance and noise.
  • LCD display: Displays system temperatures and fan speeds. Helpful for monitoring the cooling.
  • Smart temperature sensors: Automatically adjust fan speed based on system temperature for the most efficient cooling.

Consider if these extra features are worth the premium for your needs.

8. Portability

If you travel frequently with your laptop, get a lightweight and compact cooling pad that’s easy to pack and carry around. Look for pads with foldable or collapsible designs. Larger cooling pads may not be easily portable.

9. Budget

Laptop cooling pads are available across a wide range of budgets from under Rs. 500 to over Rs. 10000. In general, more premium models have the better build quality, more features, and extra cooling capabilities.

Decide how much you are willing to spend and look for the best pad available in your budget. Avoid going for the cheapest options as they are often low quality.

Now that we’ve considered the key factors, let’s look at the top-rated and most popular laptop cooling pads and coolers available in 2024.

Top 5 Best Laptop Cooling Pads and Coolers in 2024

1. Havit HV-F2056 Laptop Cooler

71jUT5npz L. SL1500

Havit HV-F2056

  1. Fits 15.6 – 17 inch laptops
  2. Dual 160mm fans
  3. Height adjustable
  4. 2 USB ports
  5. Slim and portable

The Havit HV-F2056 is the best laptop cooling pad for most people with its excellent cooling performance and comfortable ergonomic design.

It can handle laptops from 15.6 to 17 inches and features a slim and portable profile. The dual 160mm fans provide great cooling while keeping noise levels low for work or study.

You get 3 levels of height adjustment levels to set the perfect viewing and typing angle. The integrated 2-port USB hub is very convenient. Overall, the Havit HV-F2056 offers fantastic value making it our top pick.

2. KLIM Cool Laptop Cooling Pad

71WqgBLehhL. SL1500

KLIM Cool Laptop Cooling Pad

  1. Designed for gaming laptops
  2. 200mm cooling fan
  3. Adjustable fan speed
  4. RGB lighting effects
  5. Sturdy and durable

Gamers love the KLIM Cool for its aggressive styling and high-powered cooling. This gaming laptop is specially designed for intensive gaming on large laptops.

The extra large fan moves a ton of air thanks to the 200mm diameter and 28 blades. You can game for hours without worrying about heat issues. The fan speed is adjustable via a control panel.

The sturdy build quality and RGB lighting effects make this an excellent choice for gaming setups. The only downside is the high noise at maximum fan speed.

3. Tree New Bee Cooling Pad

712qpZwyvNL. AC SL1000

Tree New Bee

  1. Ultraportable slim design
  2. Fits 13 to 15.6 inch laptops
  3. Four cooling fans
  4. Excellent value

The Tree New Bee is an ultra-slim and portable cooling pad suitable for 13 to 15.6 inch laptops. Despite the compact size, its dual fans provide effective cooling during intensive tasks.

You can adjust the height to 3 different levels for better ergonomics. The ability to fold flat makes this easy to slip into a bag when traveling or commuting with your laptop.

It offers great value for money with its combination of portability and cooling performance. The only limitation is it may not handle powerful gaming laptops well.

4. TeckNet Laptop Cooling Pad

TeckNet Laptop

  1. Ultra-quiet dual 120mm fans
  2. Height adjustable up to 4 levels
  3. Front lip for ergonomic angle
  4. 2 USB ports built-in
  5. Great for work environments

The TeckNet cooling pad stands out with its ultra-quiet operation. The dual 120mm fans provide effective cooling at lower noise levels suitable for workspaces.

You can adjust the height up to 4 levels and the front lip gives additional ergonomic benefits. There are also 2 USB ports for connecting peripherals.

Consider the TeckNet if you want silent cooling performance for long working hours. It may not be the best choice for gaming laptops under heavy loads.

5. TopMate C5 Laptop Cooler

91HMAyKUIqL. SL1500

TopMate C5 Laptop Cooler

  1. Compact and quiet operation
  2. 5 fans with blue LED lighting
  3. Provides 6 Wind Speeds
  4. Great value for money

The TopMate C5 is a mid-range option with a compact yet effective design. It is among the quieter cooling pads while providing decent performance for 13 to 15.6 inch laptops.

The build quality is quite good with a solid aluminum alloy construction. You can lay it flat or adjust to 2 height levels. The dual fans have blue LEDs that give a nice effect.

Overall, the TopMate C5 is a reliable mid-range choice if you need a portable cooling pad on a budget cooler in 2024. Let’s now look at some frequently asked questions when choosing a laptop cooling solution.

Also Read:

  1. How to Remove Pressure Marks from Laptop Screens
  2. Do I Need a Screen Protector for My Laptop?
  3. Is it Okay to Use a Laptop While Charging?
  4. How to Remove Ants from Laptop

FAQs on Laptop Cooling Pads and Laptop Coolers

How Does a Laptop Cooling Pad Work?

A laptop cooling pad improves airflow by lifting the laptop and creating space underneath. The fans on the pad bring in cool air and push it through the laptop’s vents, getting rid of heat.

This improves internal airflow and allows the laptop’s own fans to work more efficiently. The end result is lower temperatures for critical components like the CPU and GPU.

What are the Benefits of Using a Cooling Pad?

As covered earlier, the key benefits are:

  • Improved performance in games, apps, and while multitasking
  • Prevent unexpected shutdowns and system crashes
  • Avoid CPU/GPU throttling which slows down laptop
  • Extend laptop lifespan by reducing wear and tear
  • Use a laptop for longer durations without overheating issues
  • Ergonomic benefits like tilt/height adjustment

Can I Use My Laptop Without a Cooler?

You can certainly use a laptop without a cooling pad. But for gaming, intensive tasks, or long duration usage, a cooler becomes essential to avoid thermal issues.

Relying solely on the laptop’s internal fans will often lead to overheating and thermal throttling which negatively impacts performance.

If you use your laptop casually then you may be able to get by without a cooler. However, I highly recommend using a cooling pad for intensive usage.

How Effective Are Laptop Cooling Pads?

The best laptop cooling pads are very effective at lowering temperatures by 5°C to 20°C depending on the model. Premium options with large, high-RPM fans can handle demanding gaming laptops well.

That said, the effectiveness also depends on getting a cooling pad designed for your laptop’s size as discussed earlier in the buyer’s guide.

Also, keep in mind that external cooling cannot fully compensate for laptops with fundamentally bad thermal design. But in most cases, you will see a worthwhile improvement with a good pad.

What is the Best Way to Cool a Laptop?

The most effective way to cool a laptop is to use a good external cooling pad or cooler. This gives you active cooling with large fans that augment the laptop’s own heat dissipation.

Some other tips for keeping a laptop cool include:

  • Make sure you do not block vents when using them on beds, couches, etc.
  • Use a laptop stand for better desk airflow
  • Adjust power settings to reduce CPU/GPU heat output
  • Use a laptop vacuum cleaner to remove dust buildup from fans
  • Repaste CPU/GPU with fresh thermal compound

But a dedicated laptop cooling pad remains the best active cooling solution in most cases.

Can I Just Use a Laptop Stand Without Fans?

A basic laptop stand that simply props up the laptop often does not provide enough cooling benefits. There is no active airflow without fans.

You still get some passive cooling from better ventilation but during intensive gaming or workloads, just a stand is not enough.

Look for laptop stands that have integrated fans and function as active cooling pads. Or get a stand along with a compact cooling pad for the most effective cooling.

Are Cooling Pads Bad for Laptops?

Good quality laptop cooling pads from reputable brands are perfectly safe for long-term use. The external fans complement the laptop’s internal cooling and do not cause any harm.

In fact, cooling pads extend laptop lifespan by keeping components like the CPU, GPU and battery at lower temperatures. Just take care to buy pads designed specifically for laptops. Avoid DIY solutions that can be unsafe.

How to Choose Between a Cooling Pad vs Stand?

As a general rule of thumb:

  • Get a cooling pad if you need active cooling for gaming or heavy workloads. Look for models with multiple large fans.
  • Get a laptop stand for basic lifting and passive cooling during lighter usage. Pair it with a compact cooling pad.
  • Get a stand with an integrated cooling pad for the most versatile option at an affordable price.

Evaluate your specific usage scenario and cooling needs to decide between these options.

Which Brand Makes the Best Laptop Coolers?

Some of the top brands that manufacture high-quality and reliable laptop coolers include:

  • Havit
  • KLIM
  • Kootek
  • Tree New Bee
  • TopMate
  • TeckNet

Look for models from these brands that fit your laptop size and cooling needs. Avoid generic unbranded cooling pads which tend to be low quality.

This sums up our detailed buying guide on how to pick the best laptop cooling pad or cooler in 2024. Be sure to choose a pad tailored to your laptop model and usage needs for maximum cooling benefits. Happy shopping!

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Musharaf Pathan

My name is Musharaf Pathan, I am a Tech Enthusiast with a passion for electronics gadgets. I love exploring and reviewing the latest in tech, sharing insights to simplify your gadget choices

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